Social content for Amazon’s Hanna
An action-packed second season that takes us around the
globe as Hanna tries to find out who she really is.
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Art direction: Farah MOHIUDDIN
Design: Farah MOHIUDDIN
Motion: Adam Fram
AV: Matthew delamater, JARRED BUCK
To drive excitement ahead of the new season, tap into facts that fans might not know about Season 1.
Spotlight the newest villain with a piece that speaks to Hanna’s origin story.
Production for this piece spanned from initial concept to scripting, compositing and editing.
Relive the most badass moments and continue to highlight the glitchy, split picture style.
Countdowns that highlight a corresponding amount of moments with the time until launch.
For instance, five epic jumps that interact with the numbers to show we’re five days away.
For launch day, stitch together footage of talent kicking and punching their way into Season 2.